Soi Dog Foundation sends over a hundred tonnes of dog and cat meals for flood reduction

The following is a press release from the Soi Dog Foundation.
Soi Dog Foundation’s ongoing relief effort for canine and cats affected by the current flooding in Central Thailand has seen the quantity of meals delivered to determined canines and cats exceed a whopping one hundred tonnes.
Following the preliminary distribution in late September of 64 tonnes of meals to flood-affected areas within the central area caused by tropical storms Lionrock and Kompasu, additional supplies have been delivered for each stray and home animals this month to 4 districts in Nonthaburi and Sing Buri, bringing the whole to over a hundred tons supplied to the district administration places of work of Mueang, Sai Noi, Bang Bua Thong, and Pak Kret districts in Nonthaburi, and Mueang district in Sing Buri. During the floods in Nonthaburi alone, native authorities estimate that over 2,500 canines and 5,000 cats were in desperate need of meals.
“Even now, after Untold has receded, without our help these animals are unable to find food, and homeowners are unable to feed their pets”, mentioned Soi Dog’s Community Relations Manager Sakdapol Thongjan. He describes the situation as a “real twin crisis”
“In the first round, we hardly saw the tip of the iceberg,” he says, referring to the massive number of canines and cats in want of assistance. The majority of those animals are regularly cared for by animal lovers in the surrounding areas and villages, and most of them are in good health and have beforehand undergone necessary vaccination and sterilisation. But, during this difficult period, they require meals to outlive which the communities are unable to offer in this time of disaster.
After the extensive distribution effort by Soi Dog, there has luckily been no further reports of dogs or cats in need of rescue, although Sakdapol added that Soi Dog will work with relevant agencies to coordinate assist as and when it’s needed.
During the latest flooding, it’s estimated that Soi Dog Foundation provided meals to over 6,000 canine and 8,000 cats, making certain that these animals acquired the essential supplies they needed. List continues to be prepared for future emergencies.
According to a report from the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, the Northeast monsoon, which is affecting the Gulf of Thailand and the South, is intensifying the flooding state of affairs. Flash floods and mudslides occurred in 12 provinces during the last two weeks.
For extra details about Soi Dog Foundation’s emergency response programme, go to

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